Thursday, August 2

Visiting a friend [Wednesday, July 25]

After enjoying a mango for breakfast, I braved the rains and ran a few errands. Things go slowly here, so things that should only take a few minutes stretch into hours. I didn't manage to get to iEARN until the late afternoon, but had a very productive meeting with four of my students on planning their photography exhibition - it's going to be a challenging two weeks as we organize an exhibition on a shoestring budget...

Dabney, Sahr (a Liberian refugee & student at iEARN), and myself took a poda over to Lumley to visit Harry for dinner. He rents a small room from a family who lives up on a hill above Lumley junction and had his landlady make us cassava and chicken. We had bought fuel for his generator, so we were able to watch Sierra Leonean music videos while we waited for the rains to stop.

We eventually made our way back to town and I worked on printing the student's pictures for a bit. I hadn't been feeling too great during the day, so I flipped through Adam's "Where there is no Doctor" book and came to stare at a list of malaria symptoms which seemed to include every possible problem and eventually just decided I could just ignore the queasiness for the time being - thankfully, I felt better a few hours later.


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