Monday, August 6

The Exhibition [Sunday, August 5]

Rachel, Moses and I arranged the photographs and writings on the posters by candlight in wee hours of the morning (12-1 am). Then we went down the street to Krio Windys, a bar that hosts a huge party on at Bathurst Street every night (and keeps us awake at the YMCA). It was hopping, but "Ejectment Notice" (a politically charged song) came on, and the APC people appeared out of nowhere and started going crazy...we went back to the Y. The water was on for the first time in three (four?) days, so I took a candlelit shower before going to bed.

Went to church with Jokella. The priest talked about corruption and the elections in his homily - walked a very fine line of staying non-partisian. Afterwards two "Voter Educators" came and showed everyone how to mark the ballots.

Exhibition went well, although not many non-iEARN people showed up, although all the YMCA crowd was there which was fantastic. It was still really good and the kids were very excited to see their work mounted and hanging on the wall. Andrew, Alpha (one of the students) and I all made a few comments.

Went to Alex's in Aberdeen to celebrate finishing the photo project. It was my first real meal in a few good esp after running with Osman for two hours on Saturday. Although i must admit that, for the price, nothing beats mammas.

A crowd of maybe 100 EU election observers came into Alex's and proceeded to drink the evening away. Oliver, Leigh and I grabbed a few egg rolls from the EU food table...I couldn't resist. I hadn't seen that many white people since leaving London - it was strange. They all were having a good time, but looked so out of place, all dressed up and in general just not seeing the "real" Salone.


Blogger Star Anise said...

hey paul, congrats on getting the show off the ground. wish i was there to see it. i'm sure i'll see a few pics... er.. yeah. s'what its all about...

August 7, 2007 at 4:20 PM  

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