Sunday, September 9

Elections, Round Two

The election run-off seems to have gone peacefully yesterday. The BBC reports (with a less than stellar article):
Voters in Sierra Leone have gone to the polls for the decisive second round of a closely-fought presidential election.

Tensions have been high following the first round last month, which did not produce a clear winner.

The ruling party's candidate, Solomon Berewa, and opposition candidate Ernest Koroma are in the run-off.

The first round was widely praised for being free and fair and a positive step forward for a country still recovering from a decade-long civil war.

The result of this presidential election is likely to be very close and that is one reason why the tension has increased recently in several areas of the country.

At times this has led to violence but only isolated cases. For most Sierra Leonians the number one priority is peace.

from S Leoneans vote in run-off poll

In other news, here's two articles about SL, one concerning investment and the other UK foreign policy:

Returning diaspora help rebuild battered Sierra Leone

Britain has foreign policy fans in Sierra Leone


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